Fritters & THE Most Delicious Slaw!

For the fritters:

Remember you can use any veg, as long as it’s not high in water content or you remove the water first! Many suggestions given in the video :)

What I did...

Brussel sprouts, hispi cabbage, cauliflower trimmings, cold boiled potatoes, red onion, red chilli, fresh coriander, turmeric, ground cumin, salt


Self-raising flour

(Use chickpea flour and aquafaba for a vegan version but watch out for the longer cooking time and tendency to stick to the pan!)

First I shredded the sprouts and massaged them in the bowl to soften them a little. Then all the other veg got shredded and mixed in, plus the herbs and spices and some salt. I added enough eggs to get a sloppy but not liquid mixture - and then gently mixed in enough flour just to bring it together, whilst still leaving the mix quite loose. 

At this point, just test the mix in a frying pan for consistency and flavour, and then adjust accordingly until they’re tastiness is at max!

Fry them for a minute or two on both sides to get colour and hold the shape, then once all the fritters are at that point, put them on a baking tray lined with parchment and finish them in the oven at 160C (fan) for 5-10 mins.

For the slaw:

This was simply shredded cabbage, a bit of cucumber, onion and coriander, and an incredible dressing I have never made before but will now definitely be a go-to slaw dressing: it was as simple as dijon mustard, tahini, lemon juice and water (in approx. ascending order of quantity!), plus salt. If you’re making something like this intuitively, just try it on a bit of the salad veg to see how it will taste when you eat it for real.